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How to become a beautiful girl

Many girls, looking at photos of celebrities, models, TV stars, whose faces are perfect, photos without reproach, and the figure always remains slim, sometimes wonder – how to become a beautiful and well-groomed girl? People always say that the key to beauty or grooming is perfect makeup, hair and the best outfit. But does that say it all? Yes, the right hair, makeup and attire help you look great. But beauty and attractiveness go beyond those three things.


On the road to your own beauty, you’ll need to take a few steps. First, you have to accept yourself completely. And until then, endless experiments on appearance and more will continue. Return to the real you and there is the first little victory. The sooner she realizes the beauty of her natural beauty, the better. 


Of course, to accept and love yourself, having a “baggage” complexes will not work. You need to write them on paper, writing down everything that comes to mind. Then you need to look closely at the list and note what you can accept and what you can’t, and what of this is realistic to change. You can do this if you set a specific goal. If something can’t be changed, it can be made part of the identity. 


The real path to beauty is through health care. Everyone knows that health is the key to beauty. Clean skin, a snow-white smile, a slim figure – it’s all the result of a healthy lifestyle. This is a proper diet, exercise, as well as a correct sleep schedule. Your skin will noticeably improve, it will look fresh and radiant, even without makeup. It is also important to drink a lot of water and exercise. 


Also on the way to beauty it is important to remember about grooming. The process of grooming is a kind of meditation, a message to the body that it is loved and cared for. Applying lotion, going to the hairdresser’s, it is not only grooming but also relaxation and a real holiday for the body.